Referans Bilgileri

Development of seismic hazard curves for the portfolio of facilities

Fukishima,S., Yashiro,H.

Transactions of the 17th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technolgy (SMiRT 17)


In seismic PSA, a probabilistic seismic hazard curve (PSHC) is obtained for a given site. This may be adequate in case that the facilities of interest are placed in the smallarea. For example, the same PSHC can be used for the reactor building, the turbine building and the control building, which are constructed in the same power station. On the contrary, if the soundness of portfolio of facilities is required be examined, PSHC cannot be used. Adopting the unique PSHC to each facility is not adequate. And, calculating PSHC for each site means that different earthquakes may be considered simultaneously.

In this paper, the concept of conditional PSHC is introduced. In calculating PSHC, a lot of element earthquakes with its magnitude, location, annual frequency of occurrence are generated. The conditional PSHC is the one calculated with the element earthquakes that are used for the PSHC of the primary facility. Obviously, the element earthquakes will vary in the different levelof ground motion intensity. Therefore, identification of element earthquakes is carried out for several level of intensity.

This method is adopted to the model portfolio consisting of 25 buildings; the primary facility is located in Tokyo and the secondary facilities are located in Kanto district. Theresult shows PSHCs for facilities and the relative intensities of the seismic motion of the secondary facilities to that of the primary facility.

It is concluded that this method can enable to perform seismic PSA of the portfolio consisting of some facilities located in the different sites. For example, seismic PSA of nuclear power plant considering the outage caused by the failure of transmission system can be carried out.

Anahtar Kelimeler: seismic PSA, nuclear power plant, loss of off-site power, seismic hazard, portfolioof facilities, ground motion intensity, peak ground acceleration, correlation of intensity, conditional hazard, seismic source model, characteristic earthquake

Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, 2003



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1.Bilimsel Çalışmalar » Doğal Afet Risk Değerlendirmesi » Kırılganlık Eğrileri


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