Referans Bilgileri

Qualifying criteria for Major-Accident Hazard Pipelines in EU legislation

G. A. Papadakis, J. Wettig

Proceedings of the 3rd International Pipeline Conference

Editörler: R. Denys

89-102, 2000

The European Commission performed a study on whether risks of transportation of hazardous materials by pipelines are sufficiently controlled. It includes a review of the existing legislation in the Member States and an assessment of its adequacy considering the control philosophy of the 'Seveso II’ Directive for fixed chemical installations and the need to support development of pipeline networks across the EU with respect to the principles of sustainability. The study has shown that there is a large variation in the degree to which Member States have comprehensive 'Major-Accident Hazard' legislation on pipelines. It is underlined that there is added value in a European Pipeline Safety Instrument based on the principles of ‘Seveso II’ Directive. The analysis of hazards and of past accidents indicates that legislation should include clear definitions of pipeline systems including conditions of transportation and type of hazardous substances. An approach to define Major-Accident Hazard Pipeline (MAHP) criteria for the transmission systems across EU is examined for the application of a European legislative Instrument.

Elsevier B. V.

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