Referans Bilgileri

Evaluation of the Dutch QRA directives for storage and transportation of flammable liquids

E.S. Kooi, M.B. Spoelstra, P.A.M. Uijt de Haag

Sayı: 620550001/2010, 2010

According to Dutch legislation, the possibility of incidents with human casualties has to be determined for storage and transportation of flammable petroleum products. Part of the assessment is the calculation of the size and location of the area wherein people may die. For this risk assessment a methodology is prescribed. The possibility of an explosion at a flammable liquid storage facility turns out to be sufficiently accounted for in the methodology. However, some improvements in the methodology are desired. This is established by RIVM research that was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of VROM. The study was initiated by an unexpectedly large explosion at a flammable liquids storage facility at Hemel Hempstead, England, in 2005.

A good risk calculation methodology is desirable because safety distances for buildings in the vicinity of such companies are determined from the calculated risks. These safety distances prevent that vulnerable destinations, such as homes and schools, are built at locations where the probability of death from such accidents is high.

It is recommended to better specify in the risk assessment methodology how consequences of releases of mixtures should be calculated. Additionally, some recommendations have been done for specific parts of the consequence models.

Besides the accident in Hemel Hempstead, other incident with storage and transportation of flammable petroleum products have been taken into account as well.

Anahtar Kelimeler: third party risk, Quantitative Risk Assessment, flammable liquids, atmospheric storage tanks, transportation

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment

RIVM, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, the Netherlands

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