Konu Başlığı Bilgileri

Kaza Veri Tabanları

Kaza veri tabanları ile ilgili bilgiler bu konu başlığı altında yer almaktadır.

İlgili Kayıtlar


1.Kawka, N. ve Kirchsteiger, C.Technical note on the contribution of sociotechnical factors to accidents notified to MARS1999
2.Kirchsteiger, C.The functioning and status of the EC's major accident reporting system on industrial accidents1999
3.Michela CampedelAnalysis of Major Industrial Accidents Triggered by Natural Events Reported In the Principal Available Chemical Accident Databases2008
4.Michela Campedel vd.Analysis of NaTech accidents recorded in major accident databases2008
5.Tom de Groeve vd.Recording disaster losses: Recommendations for a European approach2013


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